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Get Your Kids Outdoors with These 7 Spring Activities

Written by Amy Boyington | Apr 4, 2022 6:21:00 PM

Springtime is here, and the sun is warming things up, making it an excellent time to get the kids outside for a new spring activity or two. The season is one of the best for adding physical activity and learning opportunities into your child's typical day, all while having lots of fun together.

7 Spring Activities for Families with Kids of All Ages

Try these spring activities for kids together — everyone in the family can enjoy them!

1. Plant a Garden

Start a flower, fruit, vegetable, or herb garden in your yard. Kids of all ages can participate in different aspects of gardening, from digging holes to taking care of their plants. Use your home computer or make a trip to the library to look up some of the best plants to grow in your area during the spring.

2. Get Outside for Water Play

Water play taps into sensory learning, which encourages brain development. One of the best spring activities for preschoolers who are still learning to build brain, motor, and sensory connections, all kids can join in on water play for educational fun.

Make your own bubbles, let kids wade in a baby pool filled with water and water toys, or let your kiddo run through the sprinkler on a warm day.

Don't forget: Now is also a good time to sign up for kids swimming lessons to get your youngster pool-ready for the summer!

3. Make Flower Ice

This fun take on water play lets kids study beautiful springtime flowers while cooling off on a warm spring day. Pick flowers from your garden or wildflowers you find on a walk around your neighborhood. Then, fill ice cube trays with water. Place one bloom in each cube and transfer the trays to the freezer until completely frozen. 

Go outside and let your kiddo look at each cube up close. Encourage your child to stack the cubes to build a structure or give them a toy hammer to crack each cube open to find the flower inside.

4. Have a Spring Scavenger Hunt

Write down items you're likely to find in the spring, like pink flowers, birds in a nest, or a rainbow. Have everyone take their list and a pencil with them as you walk around your neighborhood together. Check off things as you find them. Who can find everything on their list first?

5. Take Pictures of Pretty Things

Take a trip to the park or another favorite outdoor spot around your neighborhood. Give your kid a disposable camera or let them use your phone's camera to take pictures of spring's prettiest blooms, skies, and anything else they encounter. Get the pictures printed and put them in a small photo album to look at together.

6. Have a Spring-Themed Party

Wear your springtime best and decorate your backyard for a spring-themed party. Gather flowers from your garden to use as centerpieces, and draw and cut out butterflies to hang from nearby tree branches. Serve bite-sized sandwiches, fruits and veggies, and cookies. Don't forget to let your child bring a few stuffed animals, dolls, or superheroes along as guests!

7. Build a Bird Feeder

A bird feeder can be simple for kids of any age to craft. For younger kids, have them spread peanut butter on a pine cone and dip it in birdseed to stick the seeds to the pinecone. Older kids can, with adult supervision, construct a birdhouse made with wood pieces or craft sticks.

Try These Spring Activities for Kids!

There are so many spring activities for families to enjoy together in beautiful weather. Once you try some of the activities above, see if your child can come up with some new activities to have fun with this spring.